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The project team consists of several employees:


Dr. med. Daniel Beer
has worked at the PZB Aachen as an internist and infectiologist with a focus on HIV, hepatitis, STDs and PrEP since 2015 after further training in gastroenterology at the University Hospital RWTH Aachen and in the HIV outpatient clinic of the UK Bonn. He is a member of the Seminarwerk AIDS e.V. and active in various other specialist societies and professional associations.

Lucie Batura
is a medical student, will soon start her internship year and has been involved in the “In Love with Safety” project for many years.

Mascha Hamel
is a medical student and has been part of the test²multiply team since 2023.

Hannah Harms
is a social pedagogue as well as a state-certified curative education nurse and works for AIDS-Hilfe Aachen e.V. in the area of target group-specific prevention.

Cecilia Rees
is a medical student and has been volunteering for a long time with the project ‘Mit Sicherheit verliebt.

Marlen Vahle
is a social worker (M.A.) and sexual counselor, working as a counselor at a center for sexuality, pregnancy, and family planning. She is also a board member of the Fachstelle Sexualität und Vielfalt e.V.

Kerem Ülger
has been active in the IT and event sector since 2006. As Online Marketing Manager (IHK Cologne), he supports us in our website and in the social media channels.
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advisory board:

Dr. med. Heribert Knechten
has been working as a resident internist and infectiologist with a focus on HIV and viral hepatitis since 1985. The practice he founded (PZB Aachen) includes a large laboratory area, patient care is provided by a total of four medical employees. In addition to many other activities in committees, he is also a board member of the Seminarwerk AIDS e.V.

Mechthild Knickmann
has found the PZB Aachen together with Dr. Knechten and acts, among other things, as managing director of INSTO GmbH, society for medical training and organization, as well as board member of the Seminarwerk AIDS e.V.